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sky areas
only a few characters have the ability to travel between the GROUND and SKY realms.
meet: blabla
the holy tree
This place is the gate of the Sky, and is located inside the Angelimal Realm.
When defeated in a battle, Twinkingel the Guardian Angelimal takes you here.
From here you are free to pick holy fruits which are rumored to revive fallen adventurers.
region: SKY
resident: angelimals
angelimal realm
Located in the sky, you can reach this place faster through the light elevators.
This realm is home to the Angelimals. It is mostly composed of clouds, with some beautiful ponds and magical farms.
Another important landmark here is Zuriel’s concert stage, where pop music concerts loved by the Angelimals are held.
region: sky
resident: spiritimals
spiritimal garden
located in the dark sky, this realm is home to the Spiritimals.
Time seems to go on forever here; it is believed that, when an Alienimal dies, they are transported to the Angelimal Realm first.
From there, some go on to live forever in the Spiritimal Garden, which is located just beside the Angelimal Realm.
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