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To equip building materials, first you need to open the Inventory menu.
You will see that There are 10 slots available to equip items.
Tap on one of the slots, then choose a building material item by tapping the item image to equip it into the chosen slot.
Click on other slots to switch and equip different materials for each of the slots.

you can freely move to any direction in the building area.
A square box will appear in front of the player as a guide for the block placement.
Once an item is equipped, you can place it down by tapping the placing button.

After placing a block, you can tap the changing button to cycle through various block sub-shapes.
There are sub-shapes for each block, including: half, slope, rounded half, rounded slope, stairs, ladders, fancy and window.

If you need to remove a block or a building item, this can be done by tapping the removing button.

Blocks can be colored by tapping the Coloring button.
There are a number of different colors available.
Non-block items are not paintable.

After you finished building a house or room, you can add furniture and accessories to DECORATE YOUR HOUSE.
Only furniture made of favorite materials of each race will MAKE THEM HAPPY.
For example: the Alienimal race likes furniture made of wood and rock.

moving in
When you finished building a house or room, simply grab and move the Alien Animals to the house or room.
Remember that Each race has different housing requirements.
If the conditions are met, then the alien animals will feel happy and give you rewards.

To save the Alien Animals, you have to fight the Viruses.
When defeated, they will drop starberries and lifeberries.

Some of the Alien Animals have fallen sick after they were attacked by the Viruses.
You can cure them using aura fruits picked from aura trees.


The Alien Animals will thank you and give you various rewards.
By keeping the alien animals healthy and building houses for them, they will feel happy. You will in turn be rewarded with starberries periodically.
Another reward is the power booster charms which will be rewarded every time you have built 5 houses or 5 rooms in a big house for 5 Alien Animals from one of any race.
You will also be awarded with rank promotions and new powerful laser swords when you save the Alien Animals.