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battle items

Battle Items are automatically equipped but not automatically used. The player will choose when to use them in battle by pressing a button.

gold lifeberry
A glistening golden lifeberry once thought to exist only in legends.
It is farmed in the Angelimal Realm, containing enough health-restoring nutrients to fully heal those who consume it.
Usage: Fully Restores HP.
Maximum Quantity: 2

aura fruit
A mystical, aura-colored fruit which seems to resemble an earth apple.
It is especially effective at curing sick Alien Animals.
Usage: Cures Sick Alien Animals.
Maximum Quantity: 10

angelimal harp
A jewel-encrusted harp that produces loud, pleasant sounds when strummed.
This instrument can be used to open blockages caused by nature and creatures.
Usage: Opens blockages caused by nature and creatures.

angelimal bell
A magical, jewel-encrusted bell used to summon an angelifly.
Usage: summons an angelify.

angelimal hourglass
This jewel-encrusted hourglass temporarily stops time around
its holder. The holder is still able to freely move around.
Can be used only once per battle.
Usage: temporarily stops time.

angelimal wand
A magical, jewel-encrusted wand which, upon use, causes damage
to enemies powered by dark magic.
Usage: Damages dark magic-powered enemies.

tibi's trumpet
This well-worn trumpet belongs to Tibi.
Dents around the bottom suggest that this instrument can be used for more than just playing music..
Usage: Lets Tibi hands you the Aquatic Charm.

osy's aquaberry
A squishy, translucent berry composed almost entirely of a clear-looking water.
This berry could be used to satisfy an unquenchable thirst.
Usage: Lets Osy hands you the Speed Run Charm.